Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Easter and figuring out this blog
I've been really busy and obsessed with working on my family tree and realized Easter is almost here. I posted a pic from last years eggs to get me inspired. Even though my youngest is 18 we still have a good time coloring eggs. I've been trying to work on making the blog look the way I want it to, but I'm such a computer idiot that I 'm not sure where to start. I want to do it myself with out asking the kid, but don't know if I'll succeed or not. In the meantime enjoy Easter and eggs and Springtime!
Friday, March 26, 2010
My Space
Today I decided to share pic's of my craft room. When my older son moved out, I decided it was time for my own space. I was inspired by vintage and retro style and many blogs out there. You might see bits of things or ideas you recognize from other blogs. I think blogs, especially decorating ones are like having a continuous magazine at your finger tips.
Anyway back to craft room-light blue walls, because my starting point was the quilt on the guest bed. I added in things that I love, toy piano, sewing stuff, the chair embroidery from my dear friend D. and scrap booking stuff. I love coming in to my craft room- it feels peaceful to me. Hope you like it. Have a great day.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
spring is here
Was thinking spring today-it's a beautiful day here in Texas. I planted tulips last year, I'm not much of a gardener, but they came up again this year. What a nice surprise! Also I forgot to mention my little yorkie named Max. He 's my baby, especially now that my last real Baby will be leaving in the fall for college. Hope your weather is as nice as it was here today.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
First time out
Well here goes. I never thought in a million years I'd be doing this. I am inspired by other blogs every day and maybe along the way will inspire someone out there. I'm a fifty something mom who is about to have an empty nest. Two other kids that are grown and on their own.
I love anything vintage, decorating and lots of crafts. Let's see if this works.