Hi there! I' thought I'd share some of my thrifted finds of the week. I almost ran over another shopper when I spotted this across the store. A vintage tablecloth-worn on the edges, but still has great colors and can be used. $2.50!! Yeah! Below is a milkglass dish and I also found the pretty linen behind it. It's in great condition..75!!!

Last -these cute tole painted tiny trays. I love the colors on them. Not sure what I'll use them for yet-but I love them.

Thanks for all the lovely red comments! Painting the brass key holder red definitely won out. I'll share when I get it painted.
I'm playing along with Cindy at
Rick Rack and Gingham on 8 questions that she asked. Check out her blog to see what others have answered.
1,Disaster is upon you-all your family and animals are safe-you have all the necessary papers and family albums. You can only fit 10 items into your car-what 10 do you grab?
My Blue and white quilt that my Great Grandma made, Family videos, geneolgy stuff, my Mother's charm bracelet, my old piano. I think everything else could be replaced.
2.You are in a store shopping for groceries-limited time-in a big hurry-you need to fix supper quick for a large group-what do you grab and fix?
Canned refried beans,hamburger meat, grated cheese, jalapenos, tomatoes and tortilla chips to make natchos. We have them all the time!
3.A memory of a car trip as a child? What did the car look like?
I remember in California, my parents driving about 150 miles out of our way to drive through the huge redwood tree called Wowona. I read a story about it in fourth grade. It's still there-but they don't let cars drive through it anymore. I can't remember what the car looked like, but I do remember-no Air Conditioning!
4.You have won a lot-I mean a lot of money! So much that you need an accountant to help with it- what are you going to do with it-whom do you help with it?
Once I knew my kids were set, I would probably go on a nice trip with Hubby, and then donate the rest to start a scholarship fund for kids going to music school.
5.What would you plant in a fall garden if you lived where the weather was garden friendly?
tomatoes,peach tree and avocado tree. I could probably live on those things!
6.A religious song that means a lot to you. What memory goes with it?
Amazing Grace. I used to play piano at an old Baptist Church out in the country and remember the older people singing their hearts out!
7.What has blogging meant to you?
I started blogging on a whim-I've always read alot of blogs and loved them. When I started getting comments and making blogging buddies everything changed. It is now a two way street-not just me putting stuff out there. I miss it when I'm away and look forward to posting and sharing stuff with everyone out there in Blogland.
8.Your favorite pie-color-candy-flower-season- and smell?
This is easy-chocolate pecan pie-(I live in Texas),color-RED,candy-anything with dark chocolate,flower-daisy-they are so cheerful,season-spring and fall,smell-cinnamon rolls baking the oven.
Hope you got to know me a little better. Feel free to answer any questions on the comments. I'd love to hear from you!