I'm joining
Between Naps on the Porch today for Tablescape Thursday! I decided to use my blue and yellow centerpiece for inspiration. It's a deco vase from that my Mom gave me years ago.

I had the vintage tablecloth(from a garage sale) and actually found matching napkins at an antique store a few weeks ago. Weird!

The flatware is bakelite-same auction I got my brown set from. I didn't have spoons, so I mixed in my everyday spoons.

I found 2 duck napkin rings at a thrift store and than found 2 matching ones in Arkansas-weird!

This is a summery and cheerful scape-and we had my birthday dinner at it. Thanks for the Wonderful Birthday Wishes. I appreciated every one! I always am thankful for comments and love to read them!

Table cloth and napkins-vintage
Yellow placemats-Marshalls
white plates-my everyday
Blue plates-vintage from a garage sale years ago
yellow salad plates-Tom Thumb Grocery Store-on sale
wine glasses-Dollar store
napkin rings and little goose-thrift and antiques store
I hope you all have a cheerful day!